Solomon tells us that the end of a thing is better than its beginning (Ecclesiastes 7:8). New endeavors can be so exciting and growth producing, this statement is initially surprising. Can he possibly be correct? The first day of school, weddings, and graduations are all exciting beginnings, but they also represent the end of summer, the end of singleness, and the end of academic pursuits. Consider your moments of achievement . . . whether it was handing in a thesis or putting away all the painting equipment . . . there is something wonderful about the end of a thing. Perhaps, Solomon was as wise as they say.

Call to mind those tasks as yet undone in your life—the half-completed . . . . . . . . . . .? The abandoned exercise equipment? Or, the unorganized photos in a box? Your HERITAGE OF HOPE CHECKLIST? Whatever that unfinished project is for you, I do believe Solomon was right! The end of a thing is better than its beginning!

What gets in the way of us finishing what we start? Perhaps it was not worthy of our time in the first place? We gave in to good marketing or a pleading child? Perhaps it became much too complicated or expensive? Did priorities change? Perhaps life took a turn, and that season has passed. So . . . let’s decide if our unfinished projects are to remain on our to-do lists. If we are not determined to complete them, why not give the materials away and set ourselves free of guilt? Whether you call this getting organized, simplifying, cleaning house, or downsizing, eliminate and concentrate is a worthy motto. I believe Solomon would approve.

There is one project worthy of your concentration. You can actually prevent crisis, conflict, and confusion among your loved ones by thoughtfully and prayerfully working through your HERITAGE OF HOPE CHECKLIST!  It is in your power to  orchestrate exit strategies for yourself that (1) honor God, (2) deeply bless your people in ways only you can do, and in this process (3) release yourself to embrace a fruitful fourth quarter of life. If it has been awhile since you attended a Heritage of Hope event or even pondered the end of this life,  please watch the Hope video at no charge. Please consider running through the Heritage of Hope materials a second time by leading a small group of like-minded folks. To make such leadership relatively easy, there are numerous helps on  on our store & giveaways page   including the Heritage of Hope Facilitator Workshop at no charge.  We invite you to help others discover the joy and peace of having their affairs in order. May the three words of Jesus that inspire us, inspire you as well, It is finished (John 19:30).