Melody & Dan Miller, Bev Alley & Lisa Clear

Every day the medical emergencies, decline, and deaths of God’s people prompt crisis, confusion and conflict in their familiesif their affairs are not in order (2 Kings 20:1, Isaiah 38:1). HERITAGE OF HOPE founders have intervened in cases of elder fraud, medical gridlock, neglect, and even abuse because loved ones failed to make adequate plans for the end of this life. Long life is the gift of God (Prov. 3:16, 22:4, Psalm 91:16), but ageism devalues it while criminal activity and euthanasia threaten it.

Consequently, the HERITAGE OF HOPE team recruited and organized a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 11:14, 15:22, 24:6 ) into a video series and workbook combination that leads adults of all ages through a checklist of decisions and tasks that prepares them for the end of this life, creates a support team, and a platform from which to share their testimony with future generations (Revelation 12:11). HERITAGE OF HOPE is actually responding to numerous biblical mandates by encouraging the Christian community to look well to the ways of their own households in preventative ways (Nehemiah 4:14, Proverbs 27:23-24, 31:27). Scripture compels all of us to honor our parents (Exodus 20:12, Eph. 6:3), the elderly (Leviticus 19:32), care for widows and orphans (James 1:27), and rescue those being led to the slaughter (Proverbs 24:11). Stu Weber, author of Tender Warrior & Infinite Impact, says A Heritage of Hope is critical for your family for generations to come. This is the guidebook for those who are asking, ‘WHAT DO I DO NEXT?’

Please join us by leading a small group through our  workbook and video series. We are excited to announce that the Heritage Of Hope Facilitator Workshop is now accessible on our website–free! If you are a people person, team up with someone who enjoys technical things. Let them access our website and all of our free resources on the store page including the Facilitator Workshop training videos. You can focus on making folks feel welcome and safe to discuss troublesome issues that may come up. Prayerful teamwork works! By leading an HOH small group, you can help friends and neighbors protect, teach and bless their families by sharing their story at the end of this life as well as make plans to enjoy a good old age (Genesis 15:15, 25:8, 35:29,  Job 5:26, I Chronicles 29:28).

Bev Alley & Dan Miller adopting our CRM

Heritage of Hope’s New Home

Please join us in thanking God for all He has provided this year. In addition to going virtual with our Facilitator Workshop in 2020, the Heritage of Hope team set up our new office at the US Digital Outreach Center in Vancouver, WA.  How thankful we are for the meeting rooms and office provided as well as the lovely desks. We’ve used our “down time” to improve our functioning as a nonprofit by working with Mission Increase, updating our bylaws, and adopting a CRM/data base system. Our 2020 events were postponed, but we thank God that our  HOH  team continues —learning, updating, and growing virtually.

Please join us by giving a year end, tax deductible gift to Heritage of Hope. Your gifts help us prevent the preventable and pass the baton of faith in Jesus Christ. If you wish to use a credit card, donate on our website Checks can be mailed to Heritage of Hope, P.O. Box 1943, Battle Ground, WA 98604.  Designating HERITAGE OF HOPE as your charity of choice at will prompt quarterly contributions to us at no cost to you.

Please join us by sharing your story. We rejoice with you and thank God when we hear how He has used our nonprofit ministry to alleviate problems and enable folks to finish this life well.

Please join us by directing folks to our website where they may utilize the many free resources on our store page, or join our blog community  where we offer bi-weekly encouragement to those seeking to finish this life well. However you choose to do so, we thank you for joining us in promoting the Heritage of Hope given to us in Jesus Christ. We are so blessed in Him. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 


Bev Alley, Lisa Clear, Scott Stuart, Melody & Dan Miller @ 2020 Board Meeting