1. CONCERN about your eternal destiny can be prevented.  By sharing your faith in Jesus Christ with your family, they will be reassured you will be with Jesus in Paradise. Your believing loved ones will have the hope of being with you again in Heaven for all of eternity. Instead of concern, they will have all the comfort of biblical promises (Luke 23:39-43, John 20:31, I John 5:13, John 17:3, Rev. 3:20, Isaiah 53:4-6, I Peter 1:3-4). See Home Free and Hope sections.

2. FALSE HOPES, DISAPPOINTMENT, EVEN ACCUSATIONS can be prevented by being very open about your financial status.  While you are still able to verbalize your decisions and priorities, you can discuss your estate plan and the likelihood of an inheritance (Psalm 47:4). See Household section.

3. UNCERTAINTY about your wishes can be prevented by conducting numerous conversations in team meetings. Debates about burial versus cremation, the national cemetery versus the family plot, and who gets Mom’s wedding rings need not take place after your death because your wishes can be known by all now. The Bible instructs all children to honor their parents. You can equip yours to do so by making your wishes known (Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16, Ephesians 6:2). See Hope  and Heart sections.

4. AGEISM can be greatly reduced by requiring the practice of thankfulness and honor. EUTHANASIA can be prevented if you embrace long life as the gift of God and communicate that clearly to your medical representative (advocate) and support team. (Proverbs 3:13-18). Heart.

5. VICTIMIZATION can be prevented if you have a plan and people in place to assist you during your decline. You will not be an easy target for elder fraud, elder abuse and elder neglect (Proverbs 24:11). See the 4th Quarter Game Plan in the Health section.

6. EXHAUSTION of a single, full-time caregiver can be prevented or greatly reduced by long term care insurance, a team approach, identifying community resources before they are needed, and choosing or equipping your home to meet your needs. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) See Health & Household sections.

7. CONFLICT and incorrect assumptions over who is in charge can be prevented  or minimized if your wishes are clearly known. (A) You will have legally designated both your medical representative (health care advocate) and the executor or successor trustee of your estate. (B) You will have empowered them in numerous team meetings by discussing the triggers that will shift the reins from your hands to theirs. What will prompt you to stop driving? Paying the bills? (1 Peter 5:6) See both Heart and Household sections.

8. JEALOUSY and hurt feelings can be prevented, or minimized, by discussing the distribution of family memorabilia before your death and the complication of grief (Ephesians 4:31-32). See Heritage and Heart sections.

9. No matter how much we prepare, the end of this life is sometimes sudden. I DIDN’T GET TO SAY GOOD-BYE can be greatly mitigated, if not prevented, when you write letters to your loved ones. Whether you and yours are on good terms or estranged, you can now put on paper the words they will need to read after you’ve gone to the Father. They may be words of grace and  forgiveness, words of love and cherished memories, or words of blessing and prayer. See the Hope section.