Part I

2024 is an opportunity for a fresh start, perhaps even PRAYERFUL RESOLUTIONS! I love new beginnings . . .  a new book to read . . .  a new season with its unique flowers . . .  and the New Year with all its opportunities for do-overs! Come 2024, many of us will take inventory and make New Year’s Resolutions. I know this is true because Dan and I witness all the newbies in the gym every January! Physical fitness is a worthy goal, of course, but what if we made prayerful resolutions for 2024 based on the BIG TEN?  The ten commandments may seem relatively easy for law-abiding, Bible believing folks . . . until you read Jesus’ teaching on them in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). Since He includes our heart attitudes as well as our actions, it seems all of us have room for much improvement and a resolution or ten. Consider the original BIG TEN if you would, one by one:

I. NO OTHER GODS.  Problem: If someone was observing my life to see what was most important to me, would they be able to discern my love of the Lord? How might I not be distracted, consumed, monopolized by the tasks of the day and actually keep Father God in his rightful place in my life? Prayerful Resolution: Annie Chairs, my Young Life leader, solved this problem by choosing a verse each year that she called her morning verse of dedication. To orient herself for the day, Annie would recite this verse before she even got out of bed in the morning.  What verse might be worthy of such a role in 2024?

2. NO IDOLS. Problem: In our day, few of us worship little statues, but we can’t deny that our culture idolizes . . .  wealth and all the things it will buy, the perfect body and athletic prowess, the ideal family, and being on the cutting edge with career achievements and influence. None of these are bad things in themselves. Idolizing them, however, is such a grievous sin that the Bible declares the negative consequences are passed on to the 3rd and 4th generations! Prayerful Resolution: Perhaps the way to achieve proper priorities is to remember that Jesus is more than our Savior, he is the Commander of the Army of the Lord. He is our commanding officer (Joshua 5:13-15), and we are engaged in a spiritual war.  II Timothy 2:4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. How might I declutter my life to become a faithful prayer warrior, a focused soldier at the ready for my Commander’s orders?

3. NO SWEARING. Problem: In the language of our day, swearing is common in and out of the workplace for both men and women. The changing morays of our culture, however, do not nullify God’s BIG TEN. His standards remain the same as the day they were given to Moses.  Punishment is guaranteed if we take the Lord’s name in vain. Controlling one’s tongue is a huge challenge as validated in the third chapter of James. Prayerful Resolution: What if we trained ourselves to replace obscenities with a scripture that praises God? Consider memorizing: Psalms 147:1 Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. The next time another driver almost sideswipes you, shout praises to God!!

4. KEEP THE SABBATH. Problem: A day of rest dedicated to the Lord is not a suggestion, but it is actually a biblical command that few Americans obey. Can you imagine all the factories, businesses, and schools in the U.S. and around the world being closed for one day of the week? Wouldn’t the quiet be something?! Reading the gospels, however, reveals that keeping the Sabbath was not easy even in Jesus’ day. Prayerful Resolution: Pastors do not rest on Sundays. It seems that the essence of the command is to trust God by resting one day of the week. Which day seems secondary. I have a peaceful friend that sets aside her Wednesdays for a Sabbath. How? She keeps Wednesdays free of all commitments on her calendar, and puts messages on her devices to inform those of us who forget her priorities that she will get back to us the next day. I do believe the Sabbath was created and commanded for our benefit. Our Creator knows we need rest as well as time to re-connect with Him. What day of the week might you and I trust God in such a countercultural act of obedience?

5. HONOR YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER. This is the only command with a promise. The promise is that those who do honor their parents will enjoy a long, full life. What a potent promise! I suspect God’s intent was not only to inspire obedience in children but to insure that we adults care for our elderly parents as well. Problem: Although the parent–child relationship can be most gratifying, God knew that some of us would have or become especially challenging parents. He also knew that it is quite temping to blame our parents for our own adult struggles.  Prayerful Resolution: Identify the good qualities in our parents and/or the achievements of theirs that you admire and focus on those. I once recounted to my mother , while she was driving, an act of courage on her part that had saved her marriage. She almost drove off the road! She was most gratified and commented, “I didn’t think anyone understood what I was doing!” As folks age, they receive less kudos, and they lose their friends. Let’s remember the good times with them and honor them by inviting them to tell us their stories.

Part II

6. NO MURDER. Problem: According to Wikipedia, “Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human with malice aforethought.” We have attempted to redefine murder so that abortion and euthanasia are not included. Although these practices are legal in various countries and states, both end human life. Before you argue this point, consider how Jesus expanded the definition of murder greatly in Matthew 5:21-22. You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’  But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell’. Prayerful Resolution: Besides curbing our temper and controlling our tongue, how might we affirm life in 2024? Volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center? Adopt a child? Visit your local nursing home once a week and befriend a lonely elder?

7. NO ADULTERY means faithfulness to one’s spouse. Have you ever considered that the now common practice of having sex before marriage is actually being unfaithful to your future spouse? Problem: Sadly, our American culture does not support marriage. Whether I am at the gym or church, I am continually amazed at the absence of modesty. Our manner of dress, no fault divorce, and the entertainment industry all promote a selfish approach to a relationship that requires personal sacrifice. If you ponder Jesus’ words, however, faithfulness to our spouses was a problem even in biblical times. Matthew 5:27-28 You have heard the commandment that says ‘You must not commit adultery. But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Prayerful Resolution: Job made a covenant with his eyes as can our men (Job 31:1). We women can dress modestly and preserve our allure for our husbands alone no matter the style of the day.

8. NO STEALING. While it is a bit insulting to have our cash register receipts checked as we exit Costco, I believe that this tedious practice is the reason they have good prices. In California, where the cost of living is quite high, the law allows shoplifters to walk out of a store with up to $900 in merchandise without being apprehended! God’s command is quite different and quite simple–no stealing! Problem: Of course, there are subtle ways to steal such as delaying your “clocking out” in order to acquire overtime. Stealing is becoming more commonplace in this century, but God does not approve of any of it. Prayerful Resolution: What pleases Father God is for us to work hard and share the fruits of our labor with those in need. If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need. Ephesians 4:28  Sounds like the old-fashioned, “American” work ethic pleases God!

9. NO LYING: Problem:  In the market place, false witness has become a profession or an art form. Consider advertising, as well as the legalese one must wade through on any warranty, contract, or prescription.  Who can we believe or trust? When a reliable vendor is found, we become loyal customers. Prayerful Resolution: Let us always tell the truth even when it does not benefit us. May we personally cease to exaggerate or embellish our stories. Avoid gossip like the plague.  Rather, let our speech be affirming, honoring, and a means of building one another up in truth.  If we say we will do something, let’s actually do it without being reminded. May we be known as a man or woman of our word.

10. NO COVETING: Problem: I remember a dear friend who used to say, “It must be nice.” He was such a good man, it took me awhile to recognize the envy ensconced in that frequent remark. Isn’t envy a way of coveting what others have whether it be a harmonious marriage, obedient children, or a beautiful home with all the toys? Prayerful Resolution: I believe the opposite of envy is thankfulness. Try writing out your morning prayer and begin with Thank you, Lord. Join me in being amazed to realize how much He has blessed us the day before.

A nation’s obedience to the BIG TEN sounds like Heaven on earth. 

Imagine that every one of us Jesus followers (1) worshipped only Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ? (2) We idolized nothing else? Our conversations would be (3) devoid of swear words. (4) Our churches would be full on Sundays, businesses closed, and lawn mowers silent. (5) Children would be more obedient and family life more harmonious. (6) Death row might be empty and our streets much safer.  (7) Love and respect would reduce marital conflict and divorce. True respect for marriage would revolutionize our homes, the entertainment industry, advertising, and our entire culture. (8) We might even be able to leave the keys in our cars and our doors unlocked! (9) We could trust one another’s word and shed layers of defensiveness against salesmanship and seduction. The oaths of office would be upheld. (10) Might we be a content, thankful people? Even Heaven on earth!