Become a FINISHER! Life is complicated and so is death. HERITAGE OF HOPE offers a thoughtful, loving way to help your people navigate the aftermath of your life as well as parts of the journey. We have prayerfully consulted experts, read books, and studied Scriptures to create the 6-part Checklist in a 6-part HERITAGE OF HOPE WORKBOOK, that supports a 6-part HERITAGE OF HOPE VIDEO SERIES. Sadly, some who take our classes  or buy our materials fail to implement the HERITAGE OF HOPE program. Life is complicated and focus is elusive. May I suggest 6 ways to become a FINISHER!

FIRST, BE THE DECISION MAKER : We do not have all the answers. Rather, HERITAGE OF HOPE has identified many of the decisions you need to make and some possible options. Thankfully one size does not fit all. Each life is beautifully unique.  The source of all wisdom is our Creator. Consult Him and listen for direction for you and yours.

SECOND, PLEASE DO NOT RUSH . Set aside significant blocks of time to complete this important work. There is much material, and some of it is complex as well as time consuming. Our website and workbook contain numerous resources (Scriptures, books, videos, websites) for you to study or consider, and you will also want to consult professionals with your particular circumstances. Simplifying or organizing your filing system, writing a letter of instructions to your executor, or reviewing legal documents takes some time. My husband and I took our legal docs to the coast and reviewed them between long walks on the beach. Give yourself the gift of time.

THIRD, WORK THE CHECKLIST (Pages 22 & 23 of your Heritage of Hope Workbook). The tasks to be done and the decisions to be made can be overwhelming. You may have already completed several of these tasks and  made important decisions. Check them off! Then choose one area for your focus and work it to completion. Check it off! Choose the next area. Perhaps it would boost your momentum to complete the easy tasks while you are contemplating more difficult decisions. Pray and prioritize your way through the checklist.

FOURTH, SET YOUR OWN DEADLINES . Implementation is rarely complete when Heritage of Hope classes end. Why not set your own deadlines and make yourselves accountable to one another? One exasperated friend recently made a deadline regarding her final arrangements. They are now complete! Check it off! Then, select the next checklist item you will address and in what period of time. One great motivator is the departure date for a long trip. Decide what needs to be done before you leave town. Put the deadline on your calendar. Small group members or friends can provide accountability and cheer you on!

FIFTH, DO WHAT YOU ARE CALLED TO DO. Loved ones can be unreceptive, even argumentative. Jesus faced this lack of cooperation with his disciples. Whether they could hear him or not, the Lord explained his path to them. Jesus was able to move obediently forward through his trials knowing he had prepared his disciples. Later, they recalled his words and made sense of events they had not expected. I suggest we follow Jesus’ example—ignore the objections of loved ones if need be, and do what we are called to do. Write letters to those who cannot hear you now, so they will know your heart later.

SIXTH, CULTIVATE HOPE. Investigate the promises of God regarding our eternal life with Him. In the Upper Room Discourse, Jesus did not talk about his death. Over and over He stated that He was going to the Father. Feed your faith with hope to overcome our negative culture.

HERITAGE OF HOPE can only bless the families of those who implement it. Become a FINISHER!

  1. Be the decision maker, and decide to finish well.
  2. Pray and ponder each decision with the Lord until you are satisfied it is good. In other words, do not rush.
  3. Prioritize your way through the checklist on pages 22 & 23 of your Heritage of Hope Workbook.
  4. Set deadlines and make yourself accountable to others.
  5. Complete your HERITAGE OF HOPE preparations with or without family support.
  6. Cultivate hope, and enjoy the peace of being prepared.