We are excited to announce the release of our updated and expanded Heritage of Hope Workbook! Of course, the new Heritage of Hope Workbook continues to support our six part Video Series, but you will find additional articles and a more detailed Heritage of Hope Checklist. The HOH Checklist, the Letter of Last Instructions, and the Estate Inventory forms are all now free downloads on our website’s store/giveaways page.  If you are considering facilitating a small group of friends or family, now is the perfect time.

For those who wish to host the Heritage of Hope Video series in their own homes or communities, Facilitator Training Videos are a helpful resource provided at no charge on our Store/Giveaways Page . We invite you to use any or all of these Heritage of Hope resources to set your household in order (2 Kings 20:1) and help others to do the same.

The six part Heritage of Hope Video Series is can be downloaded at any time via Vimeo.  If you are not familiar with our HOH video series and their unique combination of professional input with personal stories, a free sample video (entitled Hope) can be downloaded on our website FinishLifeWell.org.

Our bi-weekly blog, The Finish Line, encourages readers to implement the HOH Checklist featured in their Workbooks. THE FINISH LINE shares resources, biblical insights, book and movie reviews, as well as inspiring stories. If you would like some encouragement to Finish this Life Well, sign up at the bottom of any website page.


Heritage of Hope inspires and equips adults of all ages
To identify crucial decisions and complete the essential tasks
To Finish this Life Well


We thank God that this life is not all there is; we have reason to walk in hope every day of our earthly existence. As many blessings and trials as we may have known here, we can and do joyfully anticipate a sinless eternity with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Personally, I am thankful for the privilege helping folks dismiss our negative culture and adopt a biblical attitude about death and dying. To former and present Board members, thank you for all the behind-the-scenes work that perpetuates this ministry. You are true servants, and I am honored to call you friends. The board appreciates those HOH supporters who have made financial contributions, opened your homes to small groups, and provided the leadership for church functions. Group interaction seems to be very effective in combatting our reluctance to prepare for the end of this life. We are grateful for participants who have given us helpful feedback and/or shared their stories with us. We’ve been especially encouraged to hear the personal results of completing the HOH Checklist.


Today, Heritage of Hope is a non-profit incorporated in Oregon but serving in multiple states. We have board members in Colorado, Texas and Oregon. To date, HERITAGE OF HOPE VIDEO SERIES and HOH WORKBOOK have been effectively used by large churches, small groups, families and individuals. All Heritage of Hope materials are accessible on our website’s Store & Giveaway Page at FinishLifeWell.org. HOH materials are priced to cover our production and operating expenses as a Christian non-profit. Contributions are appreciated.


Initially, we conducted a series of pilot workshops advocating estate planning, adopting a biblical attitude about aging, planning your own memorial service, and family meetings. A most favorable response made it apparent we had identified topics of vital interest to seniors and their families. Event coordinator Bev Alley joined our team in 2012 and hosted a church wide conference with three plenary speakers, seven workshops and a workbook. Again, attendees and presenters responded enthusiastically. We discovered a broader audience than our own church and identified still more community resources. A lively series of panel discussions in 2013 showcased additional expertise from the Portland community. Since videographer Lisa Clear had joined us, these events were videotaped. Family historian Bill Leslie and logistics expert Dan Miller enlarged our team’s skill set still further. Next, we adopted a logo with digital appeal for our brochures, workbooks, and a banner as well. The six part Heritage of Hope series was then presented to a live audience and filmed against the backdrop of our Heritage of Hope banner. In August of 2014, the eight member Heritage of Hope team convened. We reviewed and adopted by-laws and articles of incorporation, elected officers, and cast our vision as a Christian non-profit organization. Kent Shorthill, a visiting consultant, quipped, “Most non-profits would kill to have a board like this!” In 2015, we achieved our non-profit status as a 501(C)3 thanks to Larry Ayers and Dan Miller. In addition, Lisa Clear created the instructive Video Series that coordinates with the Heritage of Hope Workbook compiled by Melody Miller. Thanks to the technical expertise of Dakota Miller, our website was created in 2016. By means of our Store/Giveaway Page, Heritage of Hope materials are readily available  anywhere in the US, anytime.


In response to the difficult journeys of their own parents, Melody MillerScott Stuart, and Lois Williams met together with Larry Ayers and other church leaders with serious concerns about older adults. Animated discussion, prayer, research, diverse gifting, team work, still more prayer, as well as pastoral support all contributed to the surprising launch of this ministry in 2011.