The first time I read Exodus, I was appalled at the complaining Israelites. God delivered them miracle by miracle, but their focus was so negative, all they could do was complain or panic. The next time I read it,  I was convicted . . . I am like them. Repeatedly, God has provided for my needs and even the desires of my heart. Caught up in the current challenge,  I forget God is my provider, my deliverer, my guide—and I complain to hide my fear.  Do you?

During my most recent read of Exodus, I compared the Israelites’ Wilderness Wanderings to our aging process. If we let Egypt represent our youth and the Promised Land be Heaven itself, we can adopt some excellent attitude adjustments for our own exodus from this life.

EGYPT: How ironical that the Israelites could focus so longingly on Egypt, yearning for its leeks and cucumbers (Numbers 11:5), after watching God part the Red Sea. What distorted memories we have! When eating their romanticized veggies, they were actually in such cruel bondage that Pharaoh ordered the murder of their babies. Perhaps manna was boring, but how much better to be free citizens, not whipped slaves!  In a similar manner, it is not uncommon for members of the older generation to wax nostalgic about the good old days. We were stronger, more agile, energetic, and beautiful then than we are now. True. We were also inexperienced, fearful or foolhardy in rebellion, sometimes ignorant and naïve. If you are older, would you really be willing to give up all you’ve experienced and learned about the Lord and life to become a teenager again? Not me! Beware the idealization of youth or a fond focus on the “Egypt” from which you’ve been delivered.

THE PROMISED LAND, originally Israel, is easily a symbol for Heaven and an eternity with God free of sin. I Cor. 2:9 tells us Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. As a representative of Heritage of Hope, it is necessary for me to discuss the end of this life with folks. I repeatedly encounter Christians who freeze up at the mention of death. Does death loom so large that you too are missing the hope of Heaven? If so, one cure is reading a rather long book, Heaven. Randy Alcorn has grouped together all the scriptures about Heaven into this one book. It is a fascinating read about the ultimate destination of God’s children with the capacity to transform your fear of death into the hope of faith. I heartily recommend you read this or In Light of Eternity, also by Randy Alcorn. This is a little book, but it will give you the gift of a biblical focus, a heritage of hope. It will change your life and possibly future generations.

WILDERNESS WANDERINGS: In Numbers 14, we see the hope of faith contrasted with the devastating impact of fear left unchecked to generate a bad report. Leaders from each tribe had spied out the unconquered land of Israel. Only two spies, Caleb and Joshua, could focus on the richness of the land God was giving them. The rest fixated on the obstacles, shared their fears insistently and created hysteria, despair and rebellion. Had all the spies believed God, the Israelites would have been spared 40 years in the desert awaiting the death of an entire generation. I believe this chapter challenges us with 3 questions: (1) Are we believing God in our aging process, and receiving what he has to say about this life and the next? (2) What kind of reports do we give? It is easy to join a culture of humorous complaining about aging.  (3) In our daily conversations, are we perpetuating fear or faith? This life is an exodus, and our biblical, believing focus will determine our destination.

Complaining and giving into fear are costly. Numbers 14:30 Except for Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun, you shall by no means enter the land which I swore I would make you dwell in. When our exodus is particularly challenging. let’s do all we can do to focus on God’s provision, be thankful, and encourage one another’s faith. Numbers 14:24 But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it.